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There are 863 records in p4A database matching your search criteria.
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Albumen Photograph (02); Nautical Theme, Steamboat Frank Pargoud & Steamer Oakland.

Photograph Album; New Orleans, Ohlsen (Philip), Scenic Views, 30 Albumen Prints.

Albumen Photograph; Civil War, Brady (Mathew), Camp McDowell, NYST 8th Reg, Group Portrait, 14 inch.

Albumen Photograph; Muybridge (Eadweard), 1872, Valley of the Yosemite from Union Point, 21 inch.

Albumen Print; Muybridge (Eadweard), Yosemite Falls Landscape, 20 inch.

Albumen Photograph; Hitchler (Anthony), Mardi Gras, Group Portrait, Sixth District Carnival Club, 16 inch.

Albumen Print; Muybridge (Eadweard), Mirror Lake, Valley of the Yosemite, 21 inch.

Albumen Photograph (02); Mugnier (Francois)?, New Orleans Mississippi River Steam Boats, 16 inch.

Albumen Photograph; New Orleans, Metairie Cemetery.

Albumen Photograph; Hansted (Loate), Buffalo Bill, Wild West Show Performers, Studio Group Portrait, 10 inch.

Albumen Photograph; Civil War, New York Herald Head Quarters, Army of the Potomac, 1863, 9 inch.

Albumen Photograph; Warren (Henry), Abraham Lincoln, Vignette Portrait, 1865, 8 inch.

Albumen Photograph; Locke & Peterson, Miners, Group Portrait, Exterior View, Cambria Wyoming, 10 inch.

Photograph Album; Egypt Collection, Albumen (74).

Albumen Photograph; Heller (Louis), Modoc Indian War, Prisoners in Chains, Lost River Murderers, 1873, 5 inch.

Albumen Photograph; Civil War, Confederate, General Armistead Lindsay Long, 7 inch.

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